Ahmed Elkouk

I am a PhD student at the Department Civil & Environmental Engineering, Michigan State University, where I work on employing a novel hydro-ecological modeling system to examine pathways to achieve water sustainability over the American Southwest. My PhD advisor is Yadu Pokhrel.

I completed my MS in Earth Sciences at Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakesh. I worked with Lhoussaine Bouchaou on assessing soil moisture response to climate change in Northern Africa (across the Mediterranean and the Sahel).

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I'm intrested in water ressources and climate, computational hydrology, and machine learning.

Toward Understanding Parametric Controls on Runoff Sensitivity to Climate in the Community Land Model: A Case Study Over the Colorado River Headwaters

A Elkouk, Y Pokhrel, B Livneh, E Payton, L Luo, Y Cheng, K Dagon, S Swenson, A Wood, D Lawrence, W Thiery
Water Resources Research, AGU, 2024
arxiv / code /

A case study over the Colorado River headwaters to understand the parametric controls on runoff sensitivity to climate in a land model.

Implications of changes in climate and human development on 21st-century global drought risk

A Elkouk, Y Pokhrel, Y Satoh, L Bouchaou
Journal of Environmental Management, Elsevier, 2022
arxiv / code / slides /

Large disparity in drought risk between low and very high human development countries. This study underscores the importance of rapid human development in hotspots of drought risk.

Multi-model ensemble projections of soil moisture drought over North Africa and the Sahel region under 1.5, 2, and 3 °C global warming

A Elkouk, ZEA El Morjani, Y Pokhrel, A Chehbouni, A Sifeddine, S Thober, L Bouchaou
Climatic Change, Springer, 2021
arxiv / code /

Unprecedented exacerbation of soil moisture droughts over North Africa and Sahel between 1.5–3 °C global warming. Substantial uncertainty can be attributed to the difference in representation of evapotranspiration in Hydrological Models (PET) versus Land Models (the terrestrial components of Climate Models).

Projections of extreme soil moisture drought in southern Moroccan watersheds under anthropogenic climate warming

A Elkouk, ZEA El Morjani, L Bouchaou, A Chehbouni, A Sifeddine
L'Académie Hassan II des Sciences et Technologies, Maroc, 2021
arxiv /

Historical drought extremes might be considered the new normal conditions at 3°C global warming. Increased aridity in all transitional catchments under 1.5, 2, and 3 °C global warming highlight these environments’ large sensitivity to warming, regardless of its level.


Featured media

MSUToday: More unprecedented droughts ahead


I have contributed to

ACCESS: Anthropogenic Water Management, Climate Change, and Environmental Sustainability in the Southwestern US

National Science Foundation (NSF)

In collaboration with Western Water Assessment, I contributed to developing a high-resolution long-term hydrologic simulations using the state-of-the-art Community Terrestrial Systems Model (CTSM) to systematically examine the complex interplay between decreasing water resource under climate change, future demands, and water management.

CHARISMA: CHAngement et vaRIabilitéS cliMAtiques passés et actuels au Maroc: forçages, réponses, impacts et rétroactions - Bases pour la proposition de solutions d’adaptations

Académie Hassan II des Sciences et Techniques

I contributed to the assessment of the impact of climate change on water resources over Moroccan catchments, with special attention to changes in soil water content because of its direct relevance to agriculture. Outcomes of this work are presented in the special issue of the CHARISMA project.

Design and source code based on Jon Barron's and Leonid Keselman 's websites.